These pages provide information needed by generators and other transmission customers to interconnect with Vermont Transco facilities. They contain information about Vermont Transco interconnection requirements as well as links to ISO-New England, which has primary responsibility for the interconnection requirements on the New England regional grid.
How to Apply for Service
ISO-New England's Service Types and Applications provides applications, rates, business practices, e-tagging practices, and related information pertaining to the transmission services offered under the ISO-NE Open Access Transmission Tariff, or OATT, and moving power into, out of, or through the New England Control Area.
A listing of and links to all tariffs applicable to connecting with the VT Transco system are available on the Rates, Tariffs & Business Practices pages.
Information on interconnection to VELCO’s system is available in VELCO’s Facility Connection Requirements.
Open access transmission information
All transmission customers in New England must register in order to access the Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS), an electronic posting system that allows transmission customers to view transmission access data simultaneously.
Facility Connection Requirements
In order to assist generators and others who wish to interconnect with the transmission system or to understand the interconnection process, VELCO maintains and updates annually a document called Vermont Transco Facility Connection Requirements. This document complies with the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) Reliability Standard FAC-001, Facility Connection Requirements.
The purpose of the facility connection and performance requirements contained in the interconnection guide is to avoid adverse impacts on reliability. The requirements address connection requirements for generation facilities, transmission facilities, and end-user facilities. The interconnection guide covers the requirements for interconnection to the transmission system within Vermont Transco LLC (VT Transco) and Vermont Electric Power Company (VELCO) service territory in Vermont.
VELCO/Vermont Transco is a transmission operator within the regional grid operated by ISO-New England's (ISO-NE), our Regional Transmission Organization or RTO. The primary responsibility for the interconnection process and requirements lies with ISO-NE whose Transmission, Markets, & Services Tariff addresses the interconnection process, planning study requirements, and facility connection requirements specific to the ISO-NE transmission system, with Vermont Transco as an active participant in the process.
Interconnection requestors should review the ISO-NE tariff for specific ISO-NE requirements. The VELCO/Vermont Transco interconnection guide is intended to highlight the Vermont-specific requirements and is not intended to fully replicate or to replace ISO-NE’s documentation. Normally all interconnection requests are directed to ISO-NE. ISO-NE Tariff, Transmission Service Agreement (TSA) and OATT are posted publicly on the ISO-NE web site.
ISO-NE Transmission Planning conducts studies to support the Regional System Plan and handles requests to change interconnection and transmission service. ISO-NE ensures transmission owners comply with requirements regarding changes to capacity or facilities. Generator and transmission interconnection inquiries are referred to ISO-NE, and the ISO-NE interconnection process is followed. ISO-NE’s Transmission, Markets, & Services Tariff, Section II on OATT provides a summary of the ISO-NE interconnection process and explains procedures electric energy suppliers must follow to access the region’s transmission system to transport electricity throughout New England. Entities requesting interconnection of a generating facility (including increases to the capacity of an existing generating unit or decommissioning of a generating unit) or requesting interconnection of a merchant transmission facility within the ISO-NE RTO must do so within ISO-NE's defined interconnection process. Impacts to the system are determined by a series of studies which may include a Feasibility Study, System Impact Study, and Interconnection Facilities Study.
The information contained in the Vermont Transco Facility Connection Requirements is not intended to capture each and every specific equipment and installation requirement. It represents a typical installation. The minimal requirements specified in this document may need to be modified to meet the needs of unique installations. The intent of the requirements is to address all types of interconnections. As such, not all of the requirements will necessarily apply to all types of interconnections. VT Transco reserves the right to determine which requirements apply to any specific requested interconnection. Specific requirements necessitated by the type of interconnection and the intended point of interconnection will be communicated to the Interconnection Requestor prior to the construction phase of the project.
Transmission Studies
VELCO/VT Transco transmission studies
VELCO/VT Transco has not performed any applicable transmission studies.
Reviewed/revised: 12/19/2023
This page provides access to VT Transco's Local Service Schedule (LSS) agreements, other agreements, and monthly update of Local Network Service Rates.
This page provides information on the cost of local transmission Schedule 1 service under Vermont Transco's Local Service Schedule (Schedule 21 - VTransco of the ISO-NE Open Access Transmission Tariff).
Effective January 1, 2022, VTransco’s Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (“ATRR”) for Local Service is determined in accordance with the Settled Formula Rate (“SFR”) in Attachment F of the ISO-NE OATT subject to a two-year transition period. The SFR is part of the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement resolving all issues in Docket No. ER16-19 and approved on December 28, 2020, in Docket No. ER20-2054. Pursuant to Attachment II of the Settlement, VTransco’s Transition Forecast effective 1/1/22 is based on actual 2020 cost data using the Schedule 21-VTransco formula rate that was in effect for 2020, plus the forecasted ATRRs associated with VTransco’s projected capital additions for Local Service in 2021 and 2022. VTransco’s 2023 Transition Forecast is based on actual 2021 cost data using the Sch21-VTransco formula rate that was in effect for 2021, plus the forecasted ATRRs associated with VTransco’s projected capital additions for Local Service in 2022 and 2023. VTransco’s 2022 and 2023 Transition Forecasts are subject to annual true up under the SFR beginning on January 1, 2024. Annually, in accordance with the Formula Rate Protocols in Attachment F to the ISO-NE OATT, the Participating Transmission Owners cause the updated rates and supporting materials to be posted on ISO-NE’s web site by June 15th and to be submitted to FERC for informational purposes by July 31st in Docket Nos. RT04-2-000 and ER20-2054 et al.
Current and previous rates
Monthly charge for Local Service ($/kW-mo.)
Month-Year | LNS Rate | Schedule 1 Rate | Total Rate |
Jan-Dec 2025 | $8.7604 | $0.1474 | $8.9078 |
Jan-Dec 2024 | $6.23 | $0.09 | $6.32 |
Dec-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Nov-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Oct-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Sep-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Aug-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Jul-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Jun-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
May-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Apr-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Mar-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Feb-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Jan-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Dec-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Nov-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Oct-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Sep-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Aug-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Jul-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Jun-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
May-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Apr-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Mar-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Feb-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Jan-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Dec-2021 | $7.88 | $0.32 | $8.20 |
Nov-2021 | $1.42 | $0.47 | $1.89 |
Oct-2021 | ($5.04) | $0.55 | ($4.49) |
Sep-2021 | ($7.15) | $0.64 | ($6.51) |
Aug-2021 | ($3.89) | $0.38 | ($3.51) |
Jul-2021 | $1.73 | $0.77 | $2.50 |
Jun-2021 | $2.83 | $0.53 | $3.36 |
May-2021 | $7.58 | $0.48 | $8.06 |
Apr-2021 | $3.80 | $0.56 | $4.36 |
Mar-2021 | $1.63 | $0.55 | $2.18 |
Feb-2021 | ($0.17) | $0.85 | $0.68 |
Jan-2021 | $2.51 | $0.52 | $3.03 |
Dec-2020 | $6.29 | $0.47 | $6.76 |
Nov-2020 | $1.30 | $0.64 | $1.94 |
Oct-2020 | ($5.82) | $0.76 | ($5.06) |
Sep-2020 | ($4.89) | $0.62 | ($4.27) |
Aug-2020 | ($6.18) | $0.40 | ($5.78) |
Jul-2020 | $0.56 | $0.44 | $1.00 |
Jun-2020 | $10.78 | $0.66 | $11.44 |
May-2020 | $9.64 | $0.72 | $10.36 |
Apr-2020 | $8.97 | $0.65 | $9.62 |
Mar-2020 | $3.33 | $0.61 | $3.94 |
Feb-2020 | $2.62 | $0.65 | $3.27 |
Jan-2020 | $4.01 | $0.44 | $4.45 |
Dec-2019 | $8.38 | $0.80 | $9.18 |
Nov-2019 | $5.24 | $0.77 | $6.01 |
Oct-2019 | ($1.27) | $0.99 | ($0.28) |
Sep-2019 | $0.76 | $0.54 | $1.30 |
Aug-2019 | $1.39 | $0.46 | $1.85 |
Jul-2019 | $3.29 | $0.50 | $3.79 |
Jun-2019 | $6.18 | $0.66 | $6.84 |
May-2019 | $7.76 | $0.57 | $8.33 |
Apr-2019 | $4.81 | $0.52 | $5.33 |
Mar-2019 | $3.81 | $0.48 | $4.29 |
Feb-2019 | $2.52 | $0.74 | $3.26 |
Jan-2019 | $2.84 | $0.29 | $3.13 |
Dec-2018 | $3.81 | $0.56 | $4.37 |
Nov-2018 | $2.93 | $0.57 | $3.50 |
Oct-2018 | ($0.60) | $0.46 | ($0.14) |
Sep-2018 | $0.33 | $0.27 | $0.60 |
Aug-2018 | ($0.58) | $0.52 | ($0.06) |
Jul-2018 | $1.44 | $0.59 | $2.03 |
Jun-2018 | $4.58 | $0.47 | $5.05 |
May-2018 | $6.30 | $0.55 | $6.85 |
Apr-2018 | $1.68 | $0.52 | $2.20 |
Mar-2018 | ($0.93) | $0.37 | ($0.56) |
Feb-2018 | ($2.13) | $0.44 | ($1.69) |
Jan-2018 | $1.32 | $0.52 | $1.84 |
Dec-2017 | $5.62 | $0.47 | $6.09 |
Nov-2017 | $2.22 | $0.45 | $2.67 |
Oct-2017 | ($2.36) | $0.60 | ($1.76) |
Sep-2017 | ($5.70) | $0.63 | ($5.07) |
Aug-2017 | ($5.04) | $0.31 | ($4.73) |
Jul-2017 | $1.43 | $0.61 | $2.04 |
Jun-2017 | $4.01 | $0.55 | $4.56 |
May-2017 | $4.74 | $0.46 | $5.20 |
Apr-2017 | $5.67 | $0.66 | $6.33 |
Mar-2017 | $3.21 | $0.49 | $3.70 |
Feb-2017 | $2.18 | $0.67 | $2.85 |
Jan-2017 | $1.38 | $0.39 | $1.77 |
Dec-2016 | $1.77 | $0.42 | $2.19 |
Nov-2016 | $3.59 | $0.60 | $4.19 |
Oct-2016 | $1.06 | $0.57 | $2.43 |
Sep-2016 | $0.04 | $0.53 | $0.57 |
Aug-2016 | ($1.86) | $0.45 | ($1.41) |
Jul-2016 | ($0.54) | $0.43 | ($0.11) |
Jun-2016 | $2.45 | $0.48 | $2.93 |
May-2016 | $3.05 | $0.50 | $3.55 |
Apr-2016 | $4.00 | $0.51 | $4.51 |
Mar-2016 | $2.68 | $0.38 | $3.06 |
Feb-2016 | $0.67 | $0.40 | $1.07 |
Jan-2016 | $3.47 | $0.41 | $3.88 |
Dec-2015 | $2.99 | $0.51 | $3.50 |
Nov-2015 | $1.87 | $0.35 | $2.22 |
Oct-2015 | ($1.18) | $0.32 | ($0.86) |
Sept-2015 | $0.10 | $0.36 | $0.46 |
August-2015 | ($1.21) | $0.51 | ($0.70) |
July-2015 | ($1.22) | $0.39 | ($0.83) |
June-2015 | $2.16 | $0.42 | $2.58 |
May-2015 | $6.18 | $0.47 | $6.65 |
April-2015 | $6.09 | $0.43 | $6.52 |
March-2015 | $3.91 | $0.44 | $4.35 |
February-2015 | ($0.34) | $0.56 | $0.22 |
January-2015 | $0.64 | $0.41 | $1.05 |
December-2014 | $0.78 | $0.70 | $1.48 |
November-2014 | $5.54 | $0.36 | $5.90 |
October-2014 | $0.16 | $0.47 | $0.63 |
September-2014 | ($0.98) | $0.55 | ($0.43) |
August-2014 | ($1.36) | $0.35 | ($1.01) |
July-2014 | $0.15 | $0.42 | $0.57 |
June-2014 | $2.69 | $0.48 | $3.17 |
May-2014 | $5.75 | $0.29 | $6.04 |
April-2014 | $4.08 | $0.52 | $4.60 |
March-2014 | $3.96 | $0.55 | $4.51 |
February-2014 | $4.27 | $0.45 | $4.72 |
January-2014 | $3.66 | $0.34 | $4.00 |
December-2013 | $2.30 | $0.46 | $2.76 |
November-2013 | $5.00 | $0.41 | $5.41 |
October-2013 | $1.07 | $0.47 | $1.54 |
September-2013 | $0.67 | $0.47 | $1.14 |
August-2013 | $0.20 | $0.38 | $0.58 |
July-2013 | $1.07 | $0.36 | $1.43 |
June-2013 | ($0.03) | $0.33 | $0.30 |
May-2013 | $0.46 | $0.35 | $0.81 |
April-2013 | $2.37 | $0.21 | $2.58 |
March-2013 | $4.59 | $0.47 | $5.06 |
February-2013 | $3.82 | $0.55 | $4.37 |
January-2013 | $2.75 | $0.25 | $3.00 |
December-2012 | $0.72 | $0.27 | $0.99 |
November-2012 | $2.48 | $0.48 | $2.96 |
October-2012 | ($0.10) | $0.43 | $0.33 |
September-2012 | ($5.41) | $0.57 | ($4.84) |
August-2012 | ($11.29) | $0.40 | ($10.89) |
July-2012 | ($1.15) | $0.30 | ($0.85) |
June-2012 | $3.72 | $0.12 | $3.84 |
May-2012 | $6.46 | $0.44 | $6.90 |
April-2012 | $3.38 | $0.80 | $4.18 |
March-2012 | $4.82 | $0.51 | $5.33 |
February-2012 | $5.93 | $0.53 | $6.46 |
January-2012 | $1.42 | $0.31 | $1.73 |