Vermont Transco
Vermont Transco is the limited liability corporation that owns Vermont's high-voltage electric transmission system. VT Transco provides service to the utilities that directly serve Vermont homes and businesses, as well as a small area of New Hampshire, and interconnects with New England’s regional grid.
VELCO manages the Vermont Transco LLC system, and in that capacity, operates and maintains Vermont’s electric transmission system.
Regulatory Requirements
Find links to various FERC posting requirements and other regulatory information such as FERC Order 890, Standards of Conduct, Available Transmission Capacity, Total Transfer Capacity, Transmission Capability Margins, and Critical Energy Infrastructure Information.
Rates, Tariffs, & Business Practices
This section provides access to all applicable tariffs for service from VELCO/Vermont Transco, as well as information about our business practices, procedures for requesting access to Critical Energy Infrastructure Information, and postings of Vermont Transco’s FERC Form 1 filings.
This section provides information needed by generators and other transmission customers to interconnect with Vermont Transco facilities. They contain information about Vermont Transco interconnection requirements as well as links to ISO-New England, which has primary responsibility for the interconnection requirements on the New England regional grid.