These section provides access to all applicable tariffs for service from VELCO/Vermont Transco, as well as information about our business practices, procedures for requesting access to Critical Energy Infrastructure Information, and postings of Vermont Transco's FERC Form 1 filings.
Applicable schedules of the ISO New England Regional Transmission Organization Open-Access Transmission Tariff and the 1991 Vermont Transmission Agreement.
OATT Schedule 20—Other Transmission Facilities and Service
Details the terms and conditions for transmission service over the Other Transmission Facilities, which are currently limited to transmission service offerings under Schedule A—Phase I/II HVDC Transmission Facility Service.
OATT Schedule 21—Local Service
Provides terms and conditions for local service from the various local transmission owners including VELCO/VT Transco.
OATT Schedule 22— Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures
Provides terms and conditions for interconnecting large generating facilities (more than 20 MW) to the transmission system. Large generator interconnections with the VTransco transmission system are governed by the Schedule 22—Standard Large Generator Interconnection Procedures. A request for interconnection must be made to ISO New England. Phone and email contact information for the appropriate ISO-NE office can be found on ISO’s service types matrix.
OATT Schedule 23— Standard Small Generator Interconnection Procedures
Provides the terms and conditions for interconnecting small generating facilities (20 MW or less) to the transmission system.
OATT Schedule 24—Incorporation by Reference of NAESB Standards
Provides for incorporation by reference of North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Wholesale Electricity Quadrant (WEQ) Standards.
Firm and/or Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service Application
Provides a matrix of service types and application information.
1991 Vermont Transmission Agreement
VELCO/VT Transco’s business practices, from Schedule 21, are available in the Business Practices section.
Some information on the VT Transco website is designated as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information, or CEII. Background on the definition of CEII and how to request access to documents designated as CEII is available in the CEII section.
Links to FERC Form 1 financial reports filed by Vermont Transco and VETCO are available on in the Financials section.
These business practices pages describe the procedures used by Vermont Transco LLC to provide transmission services under its Local Service Schedule 21 tariff, which is contained in Section II of ISO-New England’s Open Access Transmission Tariff, or OATT.
These Business Practices are intended to supplement and clarify the terms and conditions of service described in Schedule 21. Unless noted here as procedures implemented in compliance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order No. 890, to the extent there is a conflict between these Business Practices and the ISO-NE OATT, the ISO-NE OATT controls. Reading the information in these Business Practices does not relieve the Transmission Customer of the obligation to read and understand (a) the applicable Tariffs and Service Agreements, (b) ISO-NE Market Rule 1, (c) ISO-NE Manuals, (d) ISO-NE Standard Operating Procedures or associated business process requirements. All services provided and taken under any Tariff or Service Agreement are subject to the conditions and terms of the FERC approved tariffs regardless of the information contained in these Business Practices. The Company filed amendments to Schedule 21-VTRANSCO in compliance with Order No. 890 on October 11, 2007. This compliance filing was made by the Company jointly with ISO-NE, and others, in FERC Docket No. ER08-54-000. As deemed necessary, these Business Practices may be modified according to the Company’s Process for Amending Business Practices.
Effective February 1, 2005, ISO-NE began operating as the Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) for New England. Transmission owning companies, as signatories to the Transmission Operating Agreement became Participating Transmission Owners (PTO) in this RTO. The governing document for providing transmission service in New England is the ISO New England Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff (ISO-NE Tariff). Section II of the ISO-NE Tariff, the ISO-NE OATT, provides the rates, terms and conditions for transmission service over the regional transmission system. Schedule 21 of Section II of the ISO-NE Tariff provides the rates, terms and conditions associated with providing transmission service over the PTOs’ local transmission facilities.
Defined terms are capitalized in this document. Unless otherwise specified in these Business Practices, please refer to the ISO-NE Tariff, Section I, and ISO-NE OATT Schedule 21 for the definition of other terms capitalized in these Procedures.
Schedule 21 of the ISO OATT contains the terms and conditions that are common for all local transmission services that are provided by the Participating Transmission Owners. Schedule 21-VTRANSCO contains the company’s specific rates, terms and conditions for Local Service provided over the transmission facilities located within Company’s service area. The company offers Local Point-to-Point, both firm and non-firm, Network Service and Ancillary Service.
Click here for the cost of transmission and Schedule 1 load and dispatch for Vermont Transco's Open Access Transmission Tariff (Local Network Service), which is updated monthly.
The ISO-NE OATT contains the terms and conditions for regional transmission services over the Pool Transmission Facilities that are provided by ISO-NE. Transmission customers interested in obtaining any of the services offered over these facilities should refer to Schedules 8 and 9 of the ISO-NE OATT.
Additionally, generators interested in interconnecting to the regional transmission system should refer to Schedule 22 or Schedule 23 of the ISO-NE OATT, which contains the terms and conditions that are common for all large generator interconnection services that are provided by the PTOs.
Issued on July 13, 2007
Only one Ancillary Service is provided under Schedule 21. This service—Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service—is required to be taken by all customers taking service under the company’s Schedule 21. It is not necessary for customers to request this Ancillary service via the OASIS. The transmission customer will automatically be billed for Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service based on its transmission service request. Please note that the customer may be responsible for acquiring additional ancillary services under the ISO-NE tariff as a customer taking service under the ISO-NE OATT. See Schedules 2-7 of the ISO-NE OATT.
Issued on July 13, 2007
Requests for Firm and Non-Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service provided for under the terms of Schedule 21 should be made over the Company’s OASIS site.
Michael Eugair
The company’s OASIS reservation timing requirements for Firm Local Point-to-Point Transmission Service are in accordance with the ISO-NE OATT, Section 5(a). The maximum and minimum lead times for requesting service are provided on the Company’s OASIS site.
Transmission customers may leave the price field of the transmission service request form blank. If left blank, the transmission provider will interpret the requested price as that of the appropriate filed rate for that service.
The JTSIN OASIS software product allows only the posting of weekly offerings on a Monday to Monday basis. Similarly, monthly postings are allowed on a calendar month basis. Regardless of these requirements, transmission customers may request weekly service for any seven (7) consecutive calendar days and monthly service for any thirty (30) consecutive calendar days if the transaction spans two calendar months. To determine if there is sufficient transmission capacity to support such a request, tquery the daily offerings for the days for which service will be taken.
Order No. 890 at paragraph 1418 requires transmission providers that offer transmission services subject to "no earlier than" provisions in their OASIS timing requirements to adopt a submittal window to determine service request priorities. The transmission services under Schedule 21 of the OATT are subject to such a provision. Although nearly simultaneous submittals have not been experienced for services provided under Schedule 21, the company is adopting a five-minute window of time within which all requests will be deemed to have been submitted simultaneously. The window will initially be used for yearly services. Software revisions will be required for this window to be applied to monthly, weekly, daily and hourly service and the transmission providers are investigating this upgrade with the vendor.
Paragraph 1422 of Order No. 890 requires transmission providers to propose a method for allocating transmission capacity if sufficient capacity is not available to meet all transmission service requests submitted within the specified time period. The method being adopted by New England transmission providers is to allocate capacity for the longest duration requests on a pro-rata share based on the following order: pre-confirmed firm, firm, pre-confirmed non-firm and non-firm. If the total amount of pre-confirmed firm transmission service requests exceeds the firm Available Transmission Capacity (ATC), each pre-confirmed firm request will be multiplied by firm ATC and divided by the total amount of pre-confirmed firm requested capacity. If the total amount of pre-confirmed firm requests do not exceed ATC, then any remaining firm requests will be allocated similarly across remaining firm ATC. Non-firm requests would follow the same method for any remaining ATC.
Transmission customers with Firm Local Point-to-Point transmission service rights may post those rights for resale once for each path (interface) used by the rights. Because transmission rights are assigned by Point of Receipt (POR) and Point of Delivery (POD), it is strongly recommended that customers posting their rights for resale include the POR and POD under "Seller Comments" of the posting. If a customer desires a change of POR and/or POD (or any other service specification) on a firm basis, it may be necessary for a System Impact Study to be performed before such change may be accommodated. The reseller may request the evaluation of the need for a System Impact Study prior to accepting a service request from a customer looking to acquire the assignor's transmission service rights.
In accordance with FERC Order No. 890 the following additional requirements for reassignment of transmission service shall apply:
- Compensation to resellers shall be at rates established by agreement with the assignee;
- The assignee must execute a service agreement with the transmission provider prior to the date on which the reassigned service commences that will govern the provision of reassigned service. (Prior to the execution of the service agreement, the assignee must provide a completed application to the company and comply with the company’s creditworthiness requirements.)
- All sales or assignments of transmission capacity must be conducted through or otherwise posted on the transmission provider’s OASIS on or before the date the reassigned service commences.
- The transmission provider shall credit or charge the reseller, as appropriate, for any differences between the price reflected in the assignee’s service agreement and the reseller’s service agreement with the transmission provider.
Under Schedule 21 of the ISO-NE OATT, the transmission provider can require a deposit at the time of application for transmission service. Instead of a deposit, the company may require advanced payment for service or other form of security from a transmission customer based upon the review of the customer’s creditworthiness under the company’s creditworthiness policy.
Discounts are available for non-firm service provided under Schedule 21 and are offered at the sole discretion of the transmission provider on the OASIS. When a discounted transaction is confirmed by any customer, a simultaneous offer is made of the same discounted rate for the same period of time to all eligible customers on the same path serving the same point of delivery as the originally discounted service.
Information on affected transmission reservation from curtailments can be found here.
Information on Schedules from Transmission Reservations can be found here.
Issued on July 13, 2007
The New England market, as administered by the ISO-NE is subject to central dispatch and as such, does not require the identification of Network Resources for the day-to-day operation of the markets. Schedule 21 of the ISO-NE Tariff provides services consistent with the facilitation of the regional market and does not require an identification of Network Resources separate from that of ISO-NE.
Reviewed 9/9/2014
For the purpose of determining the ability of the transmission customer to meet its obligations related to requested transmission service, the company may require reasonable credit review procedures in accordance with Creditworthiness Policy as provided in Attachment L to Schedule 21.
The company’s transmission services and rates can be found here.
Reviewed 9/9/2014
The Company performs local system and interconnection studies under Schedule 21 of the ISO-NE OATT. The study process regarding studies performed either by the company for service under this schedule is explained in greater detail here.
ISO-NE performs regional system studies that can be found here.
Generator Interconnection Studies
ISO-NE administers interconnection studies in accordance with Schedule 22 and Schedule 23 of the ISO-NE OATT. Information about these studies can be found here.
Reviewed 9/9/2014
In order to initiate service under this schedule, an application must be completed and forwarded according to the instructions provided in the application, along with the information requested under the Company’s Creditworthiness Policy. The application will be reviewed according to the terms of Schedule 21. The customer will be notified with any questions and a service agreement will be forwarded for execution once the application has been deemed to be complete and the terms of the creditworthiness policy has been met. Upon the execution of the service agreement, the transmission customer may obtain access to the company’s OASIS as a transmission customer.
Further information can be found under Tariffs and Services.
Reviewed 9/9/2014
This page provides information on the cost of local transmission Schedule 1 service under Vermont Transco's Local Service Schedule (Schedule 21 - VTransco of the ISO-NE Open Access Transmission Tariff).
Effective January 1, 2022, VTransco’s Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement (“ATRR”) for Local Service is determined in accordance with the Settled Formula Rate (“SFR”) in Attachment F of the ISO-NE OATT subject to a two-year transition period. The SFR is part of the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement resolving all issues in Docket No. ER16-19 and approved on December 28, 2020, in Docket No. ER20-2054. Pursuant to Attachment II of the Settlement, VTransco’s Transition Forecast effective 1/1/22 is based on actual 2020 cost data using the Schedule 21-VTransco formula rate that was in effect for 2020, plus the forecasted ATRRs associated with VTransco’s projected capital additions for Local Service in 2021 and 2022. VTransco’s 2023 Transition Forecast is based on actual 2021 cost data using the Sch21-VTransco formula rate that was in effect for 2021, plus the forecasted ATRRs associated with VTransco’s projected capital additions for Local Service in 2022 and 2023. VTransco’s 2022 and 2023 Transition Forecasts are subject to annual true up under the SFR beginning on January 1, 2024. Annually, in accordance with the Formula Rate Protocols in Attachment F to the ISO-NE OATT, the Participating Transmission Owners cause the updated rates and supporting materials to be posted on ISO-NE’s web site by June 15th and to be submitted to FERC for informational purposes by July 31st in Docket Nos. RT04-2-000 and ER20-2054 et al.
Current and previous rates
Monthly charge for Local Service ($/kW-mo.)
Month-Year | LNS Rate | Schedule 1 Rate | Total Rate |
Jan - Dec 2025 | $8.7604 | $0.1474 | $8.9078 |
Jan - Dec 2024 | $6.23 | $0.09 | $6.32 |
Dec-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Nov-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Oct-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Sep-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Aug-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Jul-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Jun-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
May-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Apr-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Mar-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Feb-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Jan-2023 | $1.01 | $0.53 | $1.54 |
Dec-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Nov-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Oct-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Sep-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Aug-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Jul-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Jun-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
May-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Apr-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Mar-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Feb-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Jan-2022 | $2.56 | $0.59 | $3.15 |
Dec-2021 | $7.88 | $0.32 | $8.20 |
Nov-2021 | $1.42 | $0.47 | $1.89 |
Oct-2021 | ($5.04) | $0.55 | ($4.49) |
Sep-2021 | ($7.15) | $0.64 | ($6.51) |
Aug-2021 | ($3.89) | $0.38 | ($3.51) |
Jul-2021 | $1.73 | $0.77 | $2.50 |
Jun-2021 | $2.83 | $0.53 | $3.36 |
May-2021 | $7.58 | $0.48 | $8.06 |
Apr-2021 | $3.80 | $0.56 | $4.36 |
Mar-2021 | $1.63 | $0.55 | $2.18 |
Feb-2021 | ($0.17) | $0.85 | $0.68 |
Jan-2021 | $2.51 | $0.52 | $3.03 |
Dec-2020 | $6.29 | $0.47 | $6.76 |
Nov-2020 | $1.30 | $0.64 | $1.94 |
Oct-2020 | ($5.82) | $0.76 | ($5.06) |
Sep-2020 | ($4.89) | $0.62 | ($4.27) |
Aug-2020 | ($6.18) | $0.40 | ($5.78) |
Jul-2020 | $0.56 | $0.44 | $1.00 |
Jun-2020 | $10.78 | $0.66 | $11.44 |
May-2020 | $9.64 | $0.72 | $10.36 |
Apr-2020 | $8.97 | $0.65 | $9.62 |
Mar-2020 | $3.33 | $0.61 | $3.94 |
Feb-2020 | $2.62 | $0.65 | $3.27 |
Jan-2020 | $4.01 | $0.44 | $4.45 |
Dec-2019 | $8.38 | $0.80 | $9.18 |
Nov-2019 | $5.24 | $0.77 | $6.01 |
Oct-2019 | ($1.27) | $0.99 | ($0.28) |
Sep-2019 | $0.76 | $0.54 | $1.30 |
Aug-2019 | $1.39 | $0.46 | $1.85 |
Jul-2019 | $3.29 | $0.50 | $3.79 |
Jun-2019 | $6.18 | $0.66 | $6.84 |
May-2019 | $7.76 | $0.57 | $8.33 |
Apr-2019 | $4.81 | $0.52 | $5.33 |
Mar-2019 | $3.81 | $0.48 | $4.29 |
Feb-2019 | $2.52 | $0.74 | $3.26 |
Jan-2019 | $2.84 | $0.29 | $3.13 |
Dec-2018 | $3.81 | $0.56 | $4.37 |
Nov-2018 | $2.93 | $0.57 | $3.50 |
Oct-2018 | ($0.60) | $0.46 | ($0.14) |
Sep-2018 | $0.33 | $0.27 | $0.60 |
Aug-2018 | ($0.58) | $0.52 | ($0.06) |
Jul-2018 | $1.44 | $0.59 | $2.03 |
Jun-2018 | $4.58 | $0.47 | $5.05 |
May-2018 | $6.30 | $0.55 | $6.85 |
Apr-2018 | $1.68 | $0.52 | $2.20 |
Mar-2018 | ($0.93) | $0.37 | ($0.56) |
Feb-2018 | ($2.13) | $0.44 | ($1.69) |
Jan-2018 | $1.32 | $0.52 | $1.84 |
Dec-2017 | $5.62 | $0.47 | $6.09 |
Nov-2017 | $2.22 | $0.45 | $2.67 |
Oct-2017 | ($2.36) | $0.60 | ($1.76) |
Sep-2017 | ($5.70) | $0.63 | ($5.07) |
Aug-2017 | ($5.04) | $0.31 | ($4.73) |
Jul-2017 | $1.43 | $0.61 | $2.04 |
Jun-2017 | $4.01 | $0.55 | $4.56 |
May-2017 | $4.74 | $0.46 | $5.20 |
Apr-2017 | $5.67 | $0.66 | $6.33 |
Mar-2017 | $3.21 | $0.49 | $3.70 |
Feb-2017 | $2.18 | $0.67 | $2.85 |
Jan-2017 | $1.38 | $0.39 | $1.77 |
Dec-2016 | $1.77 | $0.42 | $2.19 |
Nov-2016 | $3.59 | $0.60 | $4.19 |
Oct-2016 | $1.06 | $0.57 | $2.43 |
Sep-2016 | $0.04 | $0.53 | $0.57 |
Aug-2016 | ($1.86) | $0.45 | ($1.41) |
Jul-2016 | ($0.54) | $0.43 | ($0.11) |
Jun-2016 | $2.45 | $0.48 | $2.93 |
May-2016 | $3.05 | $0.50 | $3.55 |
Apr-2016 | $4.00 | $0.51 | $4.51 |
Mar-2016 | $2.68 | $0.38 | $3.06 |
Feb-2016 | $0.67 | $0.40 | $1.07 |
Jan-2016 | $3.47 | $0.41 | $3.88 |
Dec-2015 | $2.99 | $0.51 | $3.50 |
Nov-2015 | $1.87 | $0.35 | $2.22 |
Oct-2015 | ($1.18) | $0.32 | ($0.86) |
Sept-2015 | $0.10 | $0.36 | $0.46 |
August-2015 | ($1.21) | $0.51 | ($0.70) |
July-2015 | ($1.22) | $0.39 | ($0.83) |
June-2015 | $2.16 | $0.42 | $2.58 |
May-2015 | $6.18 | $0.47 | $6.65 |
April-2015 | $6.09 | $0.43 | $6.52 |
March-2015 | $3.91 | $0.44 | $4.35 |
February-2015 | ($0.34) | $0.56 | $0.22 |
January-2015 | $0.64 | $0.41 | $1.05 |
December-2014 | $0.78 | $0.70 | $1.48 |
November-2014 | $5.54 | $0.36 | $5.90 |
October-2014 | $0.16 | $0.47 | $0.63 |
September-2014 | ($0.98) | $0.55 | ($0.43) |
August-2014 | ($1.36) | $0.35 | ($1.01) |
July-2014 | $0.15 | $0.42 | $0.57 |
June-2014 | $2.69 | $0.48 | $3.17 |
May-2014 | $5.75 | $0.29 | $6.04 |
April-2014 | $4.08 | $0.52 | $4.60 |
March-2014 | $3.96 | $0.55 | $4.51 |
February-2014 | $4.27 | $0.45 | $4.72 |
January-2014 | $3.66 | $0.34 | $4.00 |
December-2013 | $2.30 | $0.46 | $2.76 |
November-2013 | $5.00 | $0.41 | $5.41 |
October-2013 | $1.07 | $0.47 | $1.54 |
September-2013 | $0.67 | $0.47 | $1.14 |
August-2013 | $0.20 | $0.38 | $0.58 |
July-2013 | $1.07 | $0.36 | $1.43 |
June-2013 | ($0.03) | $0.33 | $0.30 |
May-2013 | $0.46 | $0.35 | $0.81 |
April-2013 | $2.37 | $0.21 | $2.58 |
March-2013 | $4.59 | $0.47 | $5.06 |
February-2013 | $3.82 | $0.55 | $4.37 |
January-2013 | $2.75 | $0.25 | $3.00 |
December-2012 | $0.72 | $0.27 | $0.99 |
November-2012 | $2.48 | $0.48 | $2.96 |
October-2012 | ($0.10) | $0.43 | $0.33 |
September-2012 | ($5.41) | $0.57 | ($4.84) |
August-2012 | ($11.29) | $0.40 | ($10.89) |
July-2012 | ($1.15) | $0.30 | ($0.85) |
June-2012 | $3.72 | $0.12 | $3.84 |
May-2012 | $6.46 | $0.44 | $6.90 |
April-2012 | $3.38 | $0.80 | $4.18 |
March-2012 | $4.82 | $0.51 | $5.33 |
February-2012 | $5.93 | $0.53 | $6.46 |
January-2012 | $1.42 | $0.31 | $1.73 |
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has classified certain information as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information or CEII. This information may not be disseminated except to people with a legitimate interest who have signed a non-disclosure agreement.
CEII is defined as “specific engineering, vulnerability, or detailed design information about proposed or existing critical infrastructure (physical or virtual) that:
- Relates details about the production, generation, transmission, or distribution of energy;
- Could be useful to a person planning an attack on critical infrastructure;
- Is exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act; and
- Gives strategic information beyond the location of the critical infrastructure.
If you are seeking access to information cited on this website or otherwise held by VELCO that is designated as CEII, you may request access in these ways:
- Download a copy of the CEII Request Form and returning it by email or US Postal Service
- Contact VELCO with additional questions
For more information about rules governing CEII:
This page provides links to the quarterly FERC Form 1 filings by Vermont Transco, VETCO and VELCO
- 2011Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2011Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2012Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2012Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2012Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2012Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2013Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2013Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2013Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2013Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2013Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2014Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2014Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2014Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2014Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1 (Amended)
- 2015Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2015Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2015Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2015Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1 (Amended)
- 2016Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2016Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2016Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2016Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2017Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1 (Amended)
- 2017Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2017Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2017Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1 (Amended)
- 2018Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2018Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2018Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2018Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2019Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1 (Amended)
- 2019Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2019Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2019Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2020Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2020Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2020Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2020Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2021Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2021Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2021Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2021Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2021Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1 (Amended)
- 2022Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2022Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2022Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2022Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2023Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2023Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2023Q3 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2023Q4 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2024Q1 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2024 Q2 Vermont Transco FERC Form 1
- 2011Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2011Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2012Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2012Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2012Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2013Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2013Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2013Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2013Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2014Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2014Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2014Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2014Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2015Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2015Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2015Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2015Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2016Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2016Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2016Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2016Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2017Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2017Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2017Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2017Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2018Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2018Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2018Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2018Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2019Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2019Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2019Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2019Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2020Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2020Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2020Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2020Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2021Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2021Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2021Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2021Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2022Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2022Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2022Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2022Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2023Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2023Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2023Q3 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2023Q4 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2024Q1 VETCO FERC Form 1
- 2024Q2 VETCO FERC Form 1
Click here to go to the financial information posted on the VELCO website.